Saturday, August 29, 2009

What about doing it?

Hey there! , wondering sometimes about things.Well everyone n got news for you out there! Things can get tuff with everything and sometimes you think at your self n can’t do that and that and what to say about that. Well there is only one way, do it!
And you will be surprised what you can do and not!
I have always wondering about things it is like planning n thing and your not sure if its going to work and if you do it you found the answers to it. So if you sitting in car and thinking about n new work or new car or new shoes or whatever even the new chocolate in store. Go and do your self and favor and test it, buy it, fit it or try it!
So stop wondering about tings to do or what to have just do it or test it and if your thing that’s the one for you make n plan and while you on the road thinking about Stuff of tomorrow or the week that comes and what will you do with the problems just let go of it let God do it He never left you behind? And if you thinking what will n do just ask God he got the answers for you!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


What is nicer than n beautiful sunset, well people it is very nice toe see one shinning throw the clouds on your way home!

At my home the sunset is so color full over the mountains. It is great to have it there!

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Greener the better

The water is falling so hard all that n heard is the crumble of the water deep in the ground in. It is so green that the trees hang over the edge of all the pleasure of having so much water with the rainbow on top of it all.

With the light in sight

With the deepest caves in the Cango the light shines red and blue out of the rocks in to the night. People shouting look at that one and dark lets you wonder what is that. In the dark the stairs is tight but the rocks so much that the world looks different from the outside than the inside.